Please get rid of reputation points

Discussion started by TazMan2000

Can you get rid of reputation points and introduce a straight rate of about 75 percent? The current scheme is just encouraging some members to spam the forum and either post multiple messages, one after another a sentence at a time, or post one or two word 'encouragement' messages of "nicee", "nic", "keep going" in order to boost their reputation and artificially get a better rate. (Members, know who you are!) If you allow this to continue, the forums will become unusable and loaded up with crap because the only thing they will be filled up with, is members repeatedly advertising their models, fake compliments and arguments. Do you really want to have the forum to become a cesspool? It definitely won't be good for your reputation.

A rate of 75 percent will put everyone on an equal footing. In my opinion, this will encourage more artists to join and keep the quality at a higher level.

In addition, can you please introduce a system to eliminate or block users who constantly post messages that are unrelated to 3d modelling? I'm a member of several forums, and this is the ONLY one who still has the problem. Sure, we are able to report the posts, but when the same user posts similar messages over and over again, there is a policing problem. You shouldn't have to rely exclusively on your members to weed out posts.


Posted about 1 year ago

Because of a few spammers, taking away 5% of royalties from LemonadeCG (for example) in my opinion, is not very fair.

And by the way, for example, big lover of "nice, cool works" has been banned for a long time.

User not banned but lost several hundred reputation points and received a warning.

User who was very seriously looking for a very cool designer who would talk to him in Discord and at the same time create a very cool serious game absolutely free of charge, is also banned, like his second account

In addition, list of banned spam accounts in the last seven days:

Duplicates, such as these:
are also deleted.

Therefore, CGT forum has not turned into any cesspool and will not turn into it.

TazMan2000 wrote
...and yet, the spam posts remain on several accounts. You mentioned many users, but there are more. That's why I referred to the forums in danger of becoming a cesspool. The fact that you have such an extensive list, underlines my point. Thank you. I'm not suggesting for CGTrader in taking away 5% in royalties, I just mentioned a fair percentage. Perhaps there could be a grandfather clause.
Posted about 1 year ago

By the way, in addition, if someone like this user is engaged in such cheating as in the list below and thinks that he is probably smarter than everyone else and managed to find a way how up reputation fast and easy or that he was simply forgotten. No dude, we have not forgotten. Soon you will be watching the countdown of reputation points ;-)


Of course, it's probably very disappointing to collapse from a "height" of 40K points and the title of Legend but what is very easy to get can be very easily lost.

Posted about 1 year ago

Yes, reaching 120,000 reputation points by only making sales is truly a great achievement for LemonadeCG. This shows that their customers have a high level of trust in their products and services, and it proves that they are doing quality work. They should be appreciated for conducting their business honestly and transparently on the forum without spamming. This is one of the fundamental elements of a successful business, and the fact that LemonadeCG has achieved this success is a strong indication that they will be successful in their future endeavors as well. Moreover, LemonadeCG has not made a single spam post on this site, and they deserve all their reputation points.

TazMan2000 wrote
LemonadeCG does also make posts on the forum, and they are relevant. I still think the reputation points system for rewarding members on the number of posts is flawed. A member should be rewarded for quality models, good customer service, and sales. Not how many likes or comments they make.
Posted about 1 year ago

Personally, I like the idea behind the rep system; not to say that you don't have some points to make. The rep system shows up sellers that are doing a good job, and customers can instantly see that from the score. Tying the % payment to the rep system is also a great idea, with sellers being rewarded for putting in the effort; the fact that it scales to 80% is also a very attractive proposition to sell here. As far as the spam likes and comments are concerned, I just ignore them, and I don't see the need to lose a lot of sleep over it. The spammers are getting a tiny, tiny amount of rep for it, and really are just wasting their time; they'll be at it for years before they get anywhere, and far better just to upload a few good models.

Posted about 1 year ago

If the rep system was to be tweaked, I would have a few suggestions, but keep in mind these are just off the top of my head and I haven't entirely thought things through ... just putting some ideas forward for discussion.

- Get rid of all rewards for social activity such as liking, commenting, posting in forum, etc. Keep the rep system to products and sales.
- 20 points for an upload is way too generous. I'd be okay with 10, or even 5. Historically CGT were encouraging people to upload more models, but with 1.6M uploads, that encouragement is no longer warranted.
- 1 point for $1 sales is very stingy. Sales are slow (for me anyway), so 5 or 10 points for $1 seems fairer. After all, it's about sales in the end.
- A positive customer review should really be rewarded. Customer reviews are the hardest thing to get, and the best thing to encourage future sales.
- A negative customer review should not incur any rep penalty. Many (if not most) such reviews are customer errors and not the fault of the seller. A negative review is punishment in itself and taking a rep hit is unnecessary.
- I wouldn't be opposed to the % payment starting at 50% for a fresh noob, and scaling to the current 80% for top tier sellers. Maybe have the final tier only showing up at a very lofty rep? Dunno.

Anyway, just some thoughts.

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Reputation points and how they work are not planned to change, as well as the royalty rate.
TazMan2000 wrote
@jaguarbeastproduction, you're speaking like you have a leadership role in CGTrader. I wasn't aware that you did.
TazMan2000 wrote
@everyplant, Everyone has a different idea of how to improve the system. Thank you for yourself and everyone sharing their ideas. I'm not saying mine or anyone's ideas are the best, just that the reputation points strategy needs to get revisited. What is the point of having a Suggestions and Feedback forum when the ideas never really get read. Is the suggestion box at your office directly over the paper shredder?
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
I'm just stating a fact, but that doesn't mean that your ideas haven't been read or that you don't have the right to suggest anything. You think this is an improvement, I don't agree with it and I have enough arguments why. CGT Team agrees with me on this matter. That's it.
everyplant wrote
That's cool, I get it. Wasn't expecting CGT to jump at anything. Just thought it was worth talking about ... if I see a problem, and I don't talk about it, I'm part of the problem, right?
ellalennox wrote
Yeah, I think reputation should be about.. reputation. What other creators and clients think about you, not how much you activity you engage in.
Posted about 1 year ago

I want to add one other thing besides Taz proposal (which I fully agree with) and that is getting rid of free models section. This is marketplace, there are other places where free models can be obtained. I know that someone will say, free models are used so that artist can offer a "taste" of their models, lets be honest none of the artist will offer their top notch models for free in order to show what they can do, wich in my opinion make free models completey pointless here. I really enjoy reading topics where people come here on the forum asking/demanding full support for free models and showing their dissatisfaction and anger with the free model explaining how it is unfinished, lacking texture etc. because free models should be top quality right, but it will never cross their mind to buy or support the artist and their hard work.

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Wow, one proposal is cooler than the other)) Lets be honest none of the artist will offer their top notch models. Really? What about Evermotion or Xfrog and designconnected (for example)? Just please don't write "this is completely different, they are not artists, these are companies, studios, etc.".
tobiasrieper wrote
Just because, how many ? Two ? Three ? Four ? STUDIOS we should leave free section available so that little artist can suffer. What's makes this sad is that even "they" don't offer top notch models for free. Nice one.
ellalennox wrote
Honestly, without the free section I might not have ended up here at all. I guess it depends on what the site's aim is: growing a customer base outside of the community, or serving those already in it.
Posted about 1 year ago

How do people in regular jobs get rewarded? By yapping a lot? Generally, employees get raises at certain times of the year, like anniversaries or by good performance. Another idea is that perhaps the rate can change by time being a member here. Perhaps at a set anniversary, the rate can go up by a percentage?

Posted about 1 year ago

I had no idea points were given for posting here to begin with. Interesting. I usually only comment on topics that interest me or posts to models I actually like. In those cases, I will sometimes only post something like "good work", unless the poster themselves have asked for more input.

TazMan2000 wrote
Posts like you leave are not the problem. If you search the forum, you will see many users indiscriminately like every post another member makes and then replies to their own post with another one word or two word sentence. I will illustrate with an example of replying to your post only. I have no problem with people giving feedback, but when the feedback is misspelled and replied to posts of many artists all in one day...that is the loophole.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
So what's next? This is not spam or a violation. Each user has the right to write as it is convenient for him. There is no need to arrange segregation here, that THESE comments are acceptable, and THESE are not. "Nice" and "keep working" is unacceptable in your opinion, but public slander from tobiasrieper is great, everything is cool.
TazMan2000 wrote
Strangely enough, it is and after I reported fakhrodin-nastari for doing so, the admins of CGTrader agreed and banned his account. If you don't agree with my suggestion, that's perfectly fine. Segregation? OMG, you really are being dramatic. I think everyone knows when someone is spamming. They go down into the deep history of the forum and start liking and commenting on everything. I've seen multiple people complaining about it, and calling members out, and most of them use the same excuse, "I was just being supportive". If that is what kind of forum that you like, then I'm happy for you. @tobiasreiper's comments are his own. I didn't slander you, so please don't include me in that accusation.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
What do you think is more important and priority? Search pages and absence of them various trash, stolen items, ketogummies and other shit or forum and the comments of a long-banned user remaining on 20-30-150 pages?
Posted about 1 year ago

There is no problem. There are two users, one of whom is annoyed that someone writes "nice" and gets for it, oh my God, 3 reputation points, and this, in turn, in his opinion, will turn the forum into a cesspool. Well-well. Another user decided to go even further and offered such nonsense, which, to be honest, I don't want to discuss at all. For example "getting rid of free models section. This is marketplace, there are other places where free models can be obtained". Yeah, other places, like Turbosquid with their Free3D. CGTrader doesn't need traffic, it's fine for them anyway, take who wants.

Cheaters and spammers?
akcad2020 doesn't create new posts, vicoedo doesn't duplicate comments, ARS3D-Studio doesn't duplicate posts with models, BlenderZone has removed duplicates from the gallery. Those who continued to spam without responding to the warnings are banned. Questions?

tobiasrieper wrote
Said by someone who have more spam comments on this forum than all of those accounts combined. Stop living on the forum and grinding your rep, go outside it's nice.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Spam-comments? LOL. You could have written something more original.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
If you can't write something more original, provide at least a couple (ok, at least one (!) link) with my comments that can be regarded as spam.
tobiasrieper wrote
There is no reason to be original when calling things by the real name. There you go 3 more rep points for you.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Just wonderful, this is what was required to be proven. In addition to absolutely insane offers, the accusations of other users without any evidence.
TazMan2000 wrote
@jaguarbeastproduction No problem huh? Go look through the history of the forums. A lot of those spam posts are still there even though the member was banned. Are you trying to garner support by mentioning the name of long term members? I mentioned some personal suggestions which you are free to disagree with. I didn't realize that your disagreement had to be so dramatic. Calm down.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Oh well, the defender of the slanderer tobias has appeared. Are you going to tell me about the history of the forum? Really?  You are absolutely incompetent in this matter and do not have information, but you continue to prove something. It's just ridiculous. Do you know how much spam is deleted by CGT Support Team every month from the gallery, the tutorials section, blog and forum, and how many tickets they receive per day? Calm down yourself.
TazMan2000 wrote
Incompetent? OMG what a DRAMA QUEEN you are. I have argued with plenty of people like you who can't stand another person's opinion and fight tooth and nail and resort to insults to prove your point. I feel so sorry for you. You have my pity.
tobiasrieper wrote
Jag, in case you didn't notice, you are sticking out of cgt a**. My suggestion (friendly one) to you is to get inside and SHUT THE F**K UP. Because sticking out doesn't give you any benefit that other member of this site doesn't have, so please don't act like you're some kind of a judge here on this forum who, for some reason think is above everybody else, let me tell you a little secret, you are not. It's pointless wasting time and words on people like you.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Wow, what anger, envy and hatred. Can continue to squeal hysterically as much as you like (although from the outside it looks very pathetic and disgusting) this will not change anything. ;-)
GretaSJ wrote
Hi everyone, Greta from CGTrader here. I kindly request that we maintain a civil and respectful atmosphere within our community. Each of you three is a valuable member, and we greatly appreciate the insights and contributions you bring to our platform. However, it's important to remember that insults and swearing are not conducive to a positive and productive environment. Let's focus on constructive discussions and finding common ground to resolve any conflicts. If you have any concerns or issues, please feel free to reach out to me or our support team directly. We are here to help.
Posted about 1 year ago

I personally do like the reputation level and I am also above 75% now so i cannot vouch for lowering myself to 75%. I do think its good to give incentive to have people work their way up via reputation. It is much better than other sites like turbosquid. So I can't complain about that

TazMan2000 wrote
The 75 percent I suggested, is just a off the cuff figure that I thought would be fair. Obviously members who have already went past 75 percent should keep whatever they have earned. I am not totally against reputation points, but just the way they are assessed and how some members are using loopholes to artificially raise their reputation. I like this site and the forums, and do wish it to continue, but improvements can be made.
Posted about 1 year ago

Wow, what the...? I'm genuinely surprised to see my name proposed by some in this conversation as an example of a spammer. Seriously? Can you please give at least one example of me objectively spamming in the forum, or in the gallery, or in the models comments, or anywhere else for that matter? Or maybe active engagement with community automatically grants you the spammer's mark?

To the chap who's ironically expressed doubt about my accumulated rep points - feel free to message me, i'm ready to give you quite detailed report about when, where and how i earned those points. I have nothing to hide, or be ashamed for.

By the way, isn't that ironic that i myself proposed to get rid of the reputation points on couple occasions in the past and now i'm accused of spamming for points.

TazMan2000 wrote
I don't know how or why your name was brought up. I think it was because you are a long term and respected member, and jaguarbeastproductuion used you as an example of someone who has already surpassed the 75 percent mark, based on what I thought was a "fair" rate and he threw your name into the conversation, hoping that you would comment and take his side. You'd have to ask that member that. If you read through the extensive comments, I don't think anyone mentions you in a negative way.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
It doesn't matter to me which side Lemonade will take. I only mentioned it because it has a high reputation level. If he regarded it as something offensive or negative, let him re-read what I wrote more carefully.
LemonadeCG wrote
@jaguarbeastproduction, you're right, i indeed misread your first message in the topic. Now that i've read it one more time, i see nothing negative towards to me in it. My apologies for hasty assumptions.
Posted about 1 year ago

On the topic - i think that cgtrader should get rid not only reputation points, but also tier system. I think it's unnecessary and unfair punishment for small players who can't or don't want to waste their time in grinding reputation points. Everyone should benefit from the same royalties in the marketplace. Sketchfab has no tiers and it has much less toxic environment than cgtrader ever did. I think it's largely because there's no tiers, or reputation points and similar nonsense.

Posted about 1 year ago

That's right, let's demolish half of the site. Nothing bad will happen. But what about the rule "If it works, don't touch it"?
If you compare the possible risks, are you sure that it is worth doing?

Regarding Sketchfab, simple comparison:

Newbies who only opened Blender a month ago and designers with 15 years of experience should benefit from the same royalties in the marketplace. Wow, it's just some kind of communism :) Very cool and most importantly fair.

TazMan2000 wrote
OK, the entire site gets it. You don't want it to change. Your point is made and noted. You don't have to stomp your feet like a child and insult others. Please realize that everyone's opinion matters, not just yours. Have you ever heard the saying, "The loudest person in the room, is the weakest"? I made a suggestion in the proper forum. My intent was to improve how the site operates. If you don't like other people's suggestions, perhaps you should start a thread to ask the admins to eliminate the Site Suggestions and Feedback forum, and see what kind of support you get.
LemonadeCG wrote
I think that royalty rate in cgtrader has nothing to do with seller's experience. Honest, well experienced seller may struggle for years to get enough reputation points for higher tier just by selling his models, while on the other hand, even the most newbie can bend the rules to his/her advantage, upload thousands of worthless, repetitive models and gallery entries, annoy everyone with spam comments and climb the tier ladder in no time. Why would anyone award such behaviour? I think tier system brings the worst in the people.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
TazMan2000 ok, ok ) because instead of arguments, you write only some kind of nonsense about paper shredder and drama queen, it is obvious that there will be no constructive discussion and I see no point in continuing to take part in it.
Posted about 1 year ago

Understandably CGtrader wants to have something to promote some behaviors. However, does the reputation system in its current form actually promotes the behaviors CGt is looking for? I don’t know answer to that question and presume CGt can answer it best.

Personally would not mind if some reforms would be made if CGt deemed it necessary. In that case would favor ridding tears and give flat 85% for everyone and suggest finding something ells that could have some moderate value (and unmistakably only that value) to promote some behaviors.

I also believe active members will remain active members regardless of getting points or not, so you probably do not gain more or less of those type of members? Current point system looks like producing a range of psychological effects. For example support false believes they actually do matter for getting sales. I see lots of hints of this effect in the forum from people having less sales and asking questions focusing on rep points and ways to get those to remedy the ill. There’s a whole range of these types of effects and most of them produce probably more negative outcome then positive ones?

Maybe CGtrader indeed needs a review on this?

While I’m add it, a suggestion.
People like me that serve a specific niche get real value from a robust following system that can inform flowers when new products become available. It would be of value to those sellers but also to their users. This will probably have more value then a rep system?

For example posting specific tutorials for these niche users would also make more sense because it could be a way to get more followers here, etc. We know people like followers and do lots of things to get them and hold them (including giving them real value in some occasions).

Maybe there are people wiling to produce this value here if only they would get some followers with it and then also benefit from that?

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